Sunday, October 28, 2012

302 of 365 Burned Out!

Plumb out of ideas tonight. You'd think I shot a wedding yesterday or something. But yeah, kind of feeling completely drained of all inspiration and creativity.
This 365 is dragging. This is my third year and quite frankly I do not want to do it again. So I have some ideas for changing it up while still posting a photo for you guys every day.
That must be why I am anxious to finish this year up and move onto something different.
This too shall pass.

On another note, I have heard from people that they are having trouble leaving a comment....if you have tried but it just didn't work and you gave up, let me know by clicking on the "contact me" above. I would appreciate that very much. Perhaps I can figure out what the problem might be. Thanks.

Okays... todays photo.

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